As a confirmed Speaker/Convener of the World Microbe Forum, your registration is complimentary. To collect the complimentary registration, you will receive an email directly from the programming department of ASM with a link to connect you to your complimentary registration. Do not register using the general registration link. Wait for the email inviting you to register as a Speaker/Convener.
Poster Presenters (iPosters, Oral Posters and Rapid Fires)
If your abstract submission is confirmed as accepted, please use the general registration link to register for the World Microbe Forum. The registration deadline is May 11, 2021. The registration rate will coincide with your member or non-member status as noted in the registration information. If you are the recipient of an Award or Grant, do not register using the general registration link. Wait for the email inviting you to register as an Awardee/Grant Recipient.
Awardee/Grant Recipient
If you have received confirmation that you have received an award or grant to participate at World Microbe Forum, you will receive an email directly from the programming department of ASM with a link to connect you to your complimentary registration. Do not register using the general registration link. Wait for the email inviting you to register as a Awardee/Grant Recipient.
If you have questions or need assistance please contact Registration Customer Support:
- Maritz Global Events is the official registration provider for World Microbe Forum 2021.
- Customer service is available between 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. EDT.
- Toll Free: 844-798-5486
- International: 011-864-208-8351
- Request Customer Support