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Microbial Science Knows No Borders

World Microbe Forum, a collaboration between the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS), and several other societies, is breaking barriers to sharing science and addressing the most pressing challenges facing humankind today. That's why this year, ASM Microbe and FEMS Congress 2021 will be part of this unique event. 

Explore the hottest topics in microbiology – from new infectious pathogens like SARS-CoV-2, antimicrobial resistance and the role of microbes in climate change, to agriculture and food microbiology, and synthetic and applied microbiology – discussed like never before, and offering unparalleled access to the latest innovative research across global perspectives. 

World Microbe Forum Wins Bronze Virtual Event Award

We're excited to announce that World Microbe Forum has been chosen as the Bronze Winner in the July competition of the Global Conference Network's Virtual Event Awards. The award speaks to the hard work and enthusiasm of so many who helped make this event a success. Thank you to all who participated.



 500 sessions Icons 75x75

500+ Cutting-Edge Sessions 

 114 countries Icons 75x75

114+ Countries Represented

 15 Tracks Topics Icons 75x75

15 Scientific Tracks and Topics (8 ASM, 7 FEMS)

 11 society partners Icons 75x75

11 Society Partners


This unique meeting will:

people on globe

Unite the microbial sciences community worldwide to share cutting-edge science.

This meeting will bring active researchers, industry professionals, undergraduate, postgraduate students, educators, and leaders in a digital forum on a global stage, like never before. This is an opportunity to showcase how microbial sciences are essential to the health and wellbeing of humankind. In addition, satellite events and sessions will extend the conversation to policy makers and members of the public.

Live-stream close to your time zone.

Because of programming happening across the globe, attendees can access hundreds of sessions and activities close to their time zone, with single registration. The cutting-edge scientific program will increase the microbial sciences footprint significantly. In addition, recorded sessions which will be available after the meeting, allowing attendees to catch up or review content they missed.

time zone
Girl at desk

Lower barriers of entry that level the playing field.

The virtual format, including both live and recorded access to events and sessions, overrides the constraints of time and space typical of physical meetings. The virtual event allows easier access, supporting equity and inclusion.

Provide more content in your research area and related fields.

With fewer constraints of time and space, it will be possible to have more programming in specific areas of microbiology, increasing the opportunity for everyone to find rich content in their sub-field. This also allows more high-profile speakers, more opportunities for trainees to present, and more joint sessions covering new and emerging topics.

Girl with graphs
computer chatting

Allow for meaningful connections with peers.

The versatile and innovative digital platform will allow for informal digital breakout rooms and casual interactions among participants.

Important Updates re: COVID-19 and the California Travel Ban

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  • Hits: 31009

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June 4, 2020 - ABRCMS COVID-19 Statement

ABRCMS recognizes the significant challenges COVID-19 has placed on the scientific and educational communities and will make necessary adjustments to accommodate attendance to the 2020 conference.

As of today, we are still planning to hold the meeting as scheduled from November 11-14, 2020, in San Antonio, Texas. This is a fluid situation, and we will continue to update you as additional information is available.

Regarding abstract submission, note the following adjustment:

In addition to students submitting abstracts based on current research, ABRCMS is allowing students to submit abstracts based on past research. Abstract submissions from past ABRCMS will NOT be accepted. Permission must be obtained from the lab where the research was conducted.

In addition, Student Travel Awards have also been updated:

Applicants do not have to present in a poster or oral session.
A recommendation from a mentor is not required.
Preference will be given to undergraduate seniors and postbaccalaureates. 

ABRCMS 2020 ePoster Presentation Session (New for 2020)

To provide students who are unable to participate in-person at ABRCMS 2020 with an opportunity to present their research, an ePoster Presentation Session will be held on December 2-4, 2020. Due to the financial hardships caused by COVID-19. Registration for the ePoster Presentation Session will be free.

In-person Presentation Sessions

In addition to submitting abstracts based on current research, ABRCMS will allow students to submit abstracts based on past research or virtual research experiences.

Abstract submissions from past ABRCMS will NOT be accepted. Permission must be obtained from the lab where the research was conducted. 

Attention Attendees from California: Participation in ABRCMS 2020

We hope this email finds you well. We would first like to thank you for your continued support of ABRCMS over the years. Without your support, the meeting would not be the success it has been. In 2019, ABRCMS had record attendance of over 5,250, including 3,300 undergraduate and graduate student attendees. The ABRCMS 2020 will be held in San Antonio, TX, November 11-14, 2020 and we look forward to your participation again this year.

We know that many of our California attendees have expressed concerns about holding ABRCMS in Texas this year. We hear your concerns and continue to think about strategies to work collaboratively so that you can attend.

Due to the rapid growth in ABRCMS over the years, we have become increasingly limited in the cities that can accommodate our group. Adding to this, ABRCMS is required to identify and select conference venues as part of the grant submission and renewal process. This means that San Antonio was selected and confirmed over 5 years ago, prior to the most recent changes in travel guidelines. Sometimes, as has happened in this situation, issues may arise that pose challenges with cities after we are already committed.

Further information on the California travel ban to other states can be found through the following link, including information about stipulations and exceptions related to this travel ban: Please note, this ban impacts State employees only, and not individual City or County employees, and there are multiple exceptions. Please let us know if there is any additional assistance we can provide. We hope you can join us. Thanks for our continued support of ABRCMS.

Avery August, Ph.D., ABRCMS Chairperson
Irene Hulede, ABRCMS Project Lead

Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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